President's Message
Hello Penn Coachmen:
It’s hard to believe that we are finishing up another rally season. 2023 was a very busy year and I personally want to thank all the Officers, Support Members, Rally Master’s,
hosts, and those who worked “behind the scenes”. Together, everyone has made this a wonderful year with lots of great memories. We got to see some old friends we haven’t seen in a while and made some new ones. Everyone has certainly added to our “special sauce” to make Penn Coachmen as unique as it is today.
Next year Penn Coachmen will be celebrating its 55th anniversary. What an amazing accomplishment. Those members who have gone before us paved a nice path for us to follow. We have added our own personal touches along the way. The chapter will be celebrating all year long, so please check out the new 2024 camping season calendar.
We’re moving toward the new year by launching our new membership directory and website. Many hours have been put into both and we thank the “Tech Crew” for all their hours of input, review, and dedication.
I look forward to next year and spending time with you at our rallies and celebrations.
Thank you for your continued support.
Sue Cipa
Online Member Directory
We printed our last paper version of the chapter member directory in the fall of 2022. We have now transitioned to an online member directory with access through a phone app or web url using a computer, tablet or smart phone. The online directory permits an easy way to search for other members and then text message, email or call them. If desired, you can “print” a pdf to a file or paper copy.
Members can find the online directory at:
A user ID and password are needed. Reach out to membership for access issues.
Facebook Group
A Facebook group is available to chapter members to keep in touch and share activities. You may request to join at this link:
With your FMCA “F number”, you can find the year your dues are paid through. Click the button below
In Memory Of
May they always be traveling in our hearts.
Betty Fritzinger 09/26/2022
Ed Park
Andria Lee
Joan Graupner
Ralph Shaak Jr