Who are we?

Penn coachmen history

The Penn Coachmen Chapter was chartered by the FMCA on July 23, 1969. It was founded to promote social, recreational, and information exchange activities that provide for the enjoyment and pleasurable use of RVs as a family lifestyle. Members are encouraged to come and enjoy one of the Rallies held each month where programs include social events, meals, entertainment and other activities. RV owners who are not members of Penn Coachmen are encouraged to join us for a Rally to see if you like us. If you like us you can consider becoming a member. Membership in Penn Coachmen also requires being a member of FMCA.

Many of you know Penny, our Penn Coachmen mascot. She has been around for many years and is believed to be about 34 years old. (The average life span of a flamingo is 20-30 years). Penny was picked up from the side of the road, looking for a better life.  She spent many years with our Penn Coachmen members. She has traveled all over the country. There are many pictures of her and her adventures. Penny has now moved on to the Senior Citizen RV Nursing Home. No recent address is available.
We are happy to say that Penelope, Penny’s daughter, is still very much involved in Penn Coachmen. She has been told many stories from her mother, and is looking forward to meeting and traveling with our members in the coming years.

Chapter benefits

  • One of the greatest benefits of the Penn Coachmen Chapter membership is the opportunity it provides for fellowship with friends in our area.
  • The online member directory provides a convenient way to search for members and email, text or phone them.
  • Promote regular use of your RV. 
  •  You get increased value out of your RV by using it more often. 
  •  Penn Coachmen hold rallies monthly from April through October.
  • Discover new places of interest. We have held rallies at county parks, private campgrounds, restaurants, and fairgrounds.
  • Receive a wealth of RV related information. Club members would only be too happy to share their experiences and ideas regarding repairs, winterization, use of various RV products, RV purchasing. battery care, etc.
  • Receive regular e-mail. This keeps members informed about up-coming activities and life/death issues concerning our members.
  • Receive access to the online member directory which lists members names, addresses and email addresses. We like to include your pictures so you can identify people easier.
  • More political clout. Chapter membership offers more input into the policies of FMCA through our National Director, who is elected by the chapter members.
  • Volunteer opportunity. Our chapter provides teams of volunteers for National Conventions and the Great Eastern Area Rally (GEAR).  In the past, members have assisted with security, tram drivers, FMCA store, Ladies Luncheon and much more. Such service provides opportunities to meet other FMCA members from different areas and increases the overall enjoyment of the rally.

FMCA PENN COACHMEN Chapter by-laws


The name of this not-for-profit organization shall be Penn Coachmen Chapter of the FMCA, hereinafter referred to as Chapter and FMCA.


  1. PURPOSE: This chapter exists to promote social, recreational, and informational exchange activities that provide for the enjoyment and pleasurable use of family member recreational vehicles hereafter know as RV’s.

  2. AREA: This Chapter shall be authorized to function in the FMCA’s Eastern Area.

  3. SCOPE: This Chapter will have members with a mutual interest in recreational activity (i.e. fun, fellowship, and enhancing the camping experience).


  1. ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for and to maintain membership in the Chapter, a person must be in good standing with FMCA, and meet the dues requirement and provisions set forth in the Bylaws of this Chapter. Membership in the Chapter shall not be denied any person because of race, sex, religion, color, marital or family status, age, nationality, or disability.

  2. The term “Family Unit,” is defined as a person; his or her spouse, or partner; dependents of each, regardless of age: non-dependent grandchildren and great grandchildren age eighteen (18) and under.

  3. The term “Membership,” is defined as either a family unit or an individual or individuals owning a Qualifying recreational vehicles who share a membership number.

  4. The term ‘Member,” is defined as each adult who, jointly or individually, constitutes a membership. The voting rights of each member are defined in the description of each category.

  5. The term recreational vehicle is defined as completely self-contained vehicle that contains all the conveniences of a home, including cooking, sleeping, and permanent sanitary facilities.


    • A. ANNUAL DUES: Annual payment of chapter and National dues enables persons to become active members and entitled to all rights and privileges of the Chapter and FMCA. The annual dues for membership in the Chapter shall be an amount as the membership shall establish.
    • B. RENEWAL: Renewal dues from Chapter members become due and payable by December 31.
    • C. INITIAL APPLICATION: Application for new membership shall be accompanied by payment of annual Chapter and National dues
      (unless already an FMCA member).  If an initial application is accepted after September 1st, the dues shall be regarded as covering the next membership year.
    • D. INITIATION FEE: New and reinstated members may be required to pay an initiation fee in an amount to be established by the Chapter membership.
    • E. ARREARS: Any member whose dues remain unpaid for more than 30 days after becoming due shall be considered delinquent; after April 1, membership is canceled.


    1. DUTIES OF OFFICERS: The duties of elected officers shall be as defined in the Member Rules and Regulations.

    2. TERMS OF OFFICE: The elected officers of this Chapter shall serve a one (1) year term of office, or until their successors are elected.


    • A. A member must own a Qualifying RV or at least one-third (1/3) interest in a Qualifying RV in order to hold office in this Chapter.
    • B. An individual FMCA member may hold office(s) in only one (1) Chapter.
    • C. Individual FMCA members may hold no more than two (2) offices in the same Chapter.
    • D. Any member in good standing may be nominated from the floor for any elective office.
    • E. Only Full Members, Full Lifetime Members, Life Members, or Honorary Members who have advanced from one (1) of these classes have the right to hold office in this Chapter.
    • F. No official or member shall become vested of any right, title to, or interest in any Chapter property, except as required by law.


    • A. The officers of the Chapter shall constitute the Executive Board.
    • B. The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Chapter between its business meetings. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the Chapter, and none of its acts shall be in conflict with the Chapter or FMCA.


    1. APPOINTMENT: Committee members and chairperson (except Nominating Committee) shall be appointed by the President.

    2. DUTIES: all committees shall function within the policies of the Chapter and (except Nominating Committee) under the direction of the President. Financial reports, vouchers, and monies due the Chapter shall be submitted on a timely basis.

    3. QUORUM: A Committee quorum shall be a majority.


    1. AUTHORITY: This Chapter shall be democratically, self-governed, deriving its existence and authority from the consent of its membership assembled in meeting or, in certain instances, by mail vote on stated propositions.

    2. ORGANIZATIONAL YEAR: The fiscal and membership year of the Chapter shall commence on January 1 and end on December 31.


      • A. Types: The term “meeting” shall include coach rallies, campouts, dinner meetings, and any other gatherings suitable to the function of the Chapter.
      • B. BUSINESS MEETINGS: The Chapter must hold at least one (1) business meeting each membership year at which a quorum is present.
      • C. ANNUAL ELECTION: One of the business meetings shall be an Annual Meeting at which an election is held if required by a one (1) year term option. The voting general membership is to elect Chapter officers, including a President, Senior Vice President, at least two (2) Area Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a National Director, and an Alternate National Director.
      • D. QUORUM: A quorum for the transaction of business at any duly-called Chapter meeting is twenty-five percent (25%) of the chapter family unit memberships or fifteen (15) family unit memberships, whichever is less.
      • E VOTING: Except as specified elsewhere in these Bylaws, a simple majority vote of F# or L# members in good standing and voting shall be required to approve or disapprove any matter.  The Chapter has established that voting will be one (1) vote per membership #. Balloting by mail may be undertaken when a proposed matter is voted to be of such importance or urgency that a total membership vote is advisable.
      • F. PARLIAMENTARY PROCESS: The rules contained in the current edition of ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED shall govern this Chapter’s proceedings to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of FMCA, and the Bylaws of the Chapter.

      4. MAINTAINING AFFILIATION: This Chapter must maintain a minimum of fifteen (15) family unit memberships The Chapter secretary shall furnish to the National Office of FMCA, no later than the last week in December, a membership list, a list of chapter officers, and assurance that two (2) business meetings were held.

      1. ANNUAL AUDIT: An annual audit of the Chapter’s financial books and records shall be undertaken and reported to the membership.

      2. APPLICATION OF NATIONAL CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS: This Chapter accepts and agrees that the Chapter Bylaws shall conform to any mandatory requirements stipulated in the Constitution, Bylaws and Member and Volunteer Handbook of the FMCA.



      • A. The Nominating Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) Chapter members in good standing, nominated and elected yearly by the Chapter membership.
      • B. Election of an individual to the Nominating Committee shall not prohibit that person from being nominated for elected office.


      • A. To select one (1) of its members as Nominating Committee Chairman.
      • B. To nominate candidates for the Chapter Offices of President, Senior Vice President, at least two (2) Area Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, National Director, and an Alternate National Director for the new term to be presented for voting by the Chapter membership.
      • C. To obtain clear acceptance of the nominees to serve the Chapter should they be elected.
      • D. To make certain that nominated candidates are members in good standing and qualified under applicable National and Chapter bylaws.
      • E. To nominate candidates to fill vacancies that occur in elected Chapter offices.


      1. FMCA National Bylaw and Member and Volunteer Handbook-Policies and Procedures amendments applicable to Chapter operations shall be automatically adopted by the Chapter and are not subject to a vote by the Chapter membership.

      2. AMENDING PROCEDURE: These Bylaws may be amended by a sixty-five percent (65%) affirmative vote of the members present and voting at a duly-called meeting, providing that prior notice of at least thirty (30) days has been given of the proposition(s) to amend. Any member of the Chapter may propose amendments to the Bylaws. Approved amendments to these Bylaws become effective immediately upon their adoption, or at such time as specified in the amendment.

      3. DISTRIBUTION: Copies of changes, additions, amendments, or revisions to these Bylaws shall be forwarded to the National Office and to the National Area Vice President.


        In the event of dissolution of this Chapter of FMCA, by majority vote of the Chapter, all of the remaining assets of the chapter shall be contributed to the purpose(s) for which the Chapter is organized, or to a qualified non-profit charity or charities.

standing rules of penn coachmen

Executed: 10/5/2006
Amended: 10/25/2008,  11/6/2018, 11/01/2022 & 9/23/2023


While bylaws relate to parliamentary procedures, standing rules refer to operating procedures. Standing rules are adopted, without previous notice to the membership, by a majority vote of the Chapter membership at any duly called business meeting where a quorum exists.


  1. Annual dues are $15.00 or 3 years for $40.00.

  2. New members shall pay $15.00 for the first year or $40.00 for 3 years.  If joining after August 31, the remainder of the year is gratis, and their dues will go toward the next year.  Renewing your membership: You may pay $15.00 for one year of $40.00 for three years and the dues start January1. 

  3. An Associate Member is an FMCA member whose RV ownership status has changed. They shall pay chapter dues, may participate in all Chapter functions but may not vote or hold office.

  4. An Honorary Member is a former member who no longer meets the criteria for FMCA membership but wishes to retain Chapter association. They may participate in all Chapter functions but may not vote or hold office.


  1. President. The President shall be Chairman of the Executive Board (Board), preside at meetings of the Board, serve as Chief Executive Officer, carry on the affairs of the Chapter, lead the Chapter and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board.

  2. Senior Vice President. In the absence of the President, the Senior Vice President shall preside at all meetings of the Board and, in general, shall perform all the duties incident to the office of the President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board. The Senior Vice President shall coordinate with the Area Vice Presidents the planning of the Chapter’s Rallies and serve as the recorder of guests and first time members.

  3. Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for the custody of all records of the Chapter and shall render such statements and reports as may be required by the Board. The Secretary may delegate the performance of any of the aforementioned duties, but shall at all times be responsible for their proper performance. In the absence of the President and Senior Vice President, the Secretary shall preside at all meetings. The Secretary shall also keep records and minutes of the meetings, furnish FMCA with a listing of the Chapter’s certified members annually and communicate as required by FMCA.

  4. Treasurer. The Treasurer will have charge and custody of all funds of the Chapter, will deposit all funds, will pay bills, will keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the Chapter’s properties and business transactions, will render reports and accountings to the Board and to the members as required by law, and will perform, in general, all duties incident to the office of Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect dues from the Chapter’s members, collect any special assessments, including, but not limited to, fees for rental of meeting places.

    1. Execution of Documents. Except as otherwise provided by law, checks, drafts, promissory notes, orders for the payments of money and other evidence of indebtedness up to $5,000.00 of this Chapter will be signed by the Treasurer. Contracts, leases or other instruments over $5,000.00 executed in the name of and on the behalf of the Chapter will also be signed by the President or designated representative. Copies of said contracts shall be forwarded to the Secretary to record..

  5. Area Vice Presidents. The duties of the Area Vice President shall include assistance in setting policies, administering to the welfare of the Chapter. If no Rally Master is available, it is the Area Vice Presidents responsibility to serve as Rally Master if the chapter has made a commitment for said rally.

  6. National Director and Alternate National Director. The duties of the National and Alternate National Director shall be consistent with those required by the FMCA.

  7. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by the Board upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee for the unexpired portion of the term by a vote of not less than a majority of the members of the Board present at the meeting during which the vacancy is to be filled.

  1. Annual Elections will be held at a business meeting provided members were given at least a 30 day notice with a roster of candidates.

  2. Special Meetings and Executive Sessions. Special meetings and executive sessions of the Board may be called by or at the request of the President or Vice President.


14. Rally fee refunds will be made under the following guidelines and with the final approval of the Rally Master in conjunction with the club President or Vice President.

  • a.A full refund of the previously paid $25.00 per person rally fee will be made if the cancellation request is received before the rally reservation deadline.
  • b.The portion of the total rally fee relating to ‘meals / food’ will be refunded if the cancellation request is received after the rally reservation deadline and / but prior to the rally master’s placing the meal / food order with the caterer. Refund requests received after the meals have been ordered will not (cannot) be refunded. After meals are ordered the club (the member) is required to pay.
  • c. In instances where Penn Coachmen have to prepay camping fees to the campground – i.e., – prior to our arrival and as a condition of occupying our reserved spaces, no refund of any camping fee will be made.
  • d.A participant(s) who leaves the rally prior to the conclusion of the rally will receive a refund of any ‘camping fee’ that might have not been used. i.e. – if the participant leaves after spending Friday night at the rally they may receive a refund of their Saturday night camping fees in instances where the campground is not going to charge the club.
  • e.A participant(s) who does not eat food ordered / purchased for them will not receive a refund.
  • f. Any participant who ‘does not show up’ – i.e. – having given no notice of not attending – will not receive any refund.
  • g.Participants who cancel ‘at the last minute’ for medical or other emergency reasons will be judged on a case by case basis; the decision will be made by the rally master, club president and / or executive committee.
  • h.Every effort will be made to reimburse money where possible.
  • i. Refunds will generally be made so long as the refund will not cost the club money.


  1. Conduct. All members attending a meeting/rally shall conduct themselves in accordance with FMCA’s Code of Ethics.

  2. Pets. All pet owners are required to follow the guidelines of the camping facility.

  3. Operation of Generators. Follow the same guidelines designated by FMCA or local campground rules.

  4. Chapter funds shall not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages for any rally or other Chapter function.