roxbury holiness camp
Orrstown, PA
September 22 - 24, 2023
Early Bird September 21
Reservation due by September 9, 2023
rally information

Rally Masters: Bob & Carol Crossett
Phone: 215-313-1437
Hosts: Peggy Dilliplaine
Trailer to Rally:
Trailer from Rally:
Campground for reservations.
Program: (this is draft with made up info - times are not required - just general plan)
- Thursday = Early Bird – dinner on your own
- Friday – rally check in – dinner on your own
- Saturday – bean bag baseball – catered dinner
- Sunday – morning devotion – check out by 1:00 pm
Rally Registration:
- Due date is September 9, 2023. If registration is postmarked after the due date, there will be an additional $10.00 charge.
- Send registration form along with your deposit of $25 per person to be registered. The balance of the rally fee will be collected at check-in.
- Be sure to indicate number of persons for the catered dinner.
- Make check payable to Penn Coachmen. Please do not send cash.
- Mail to: Bob & Carol Crossett, 4670 McNeil Road, Doylestown, PA 18902
- Sites: All sites include Water, Electric and Sewer. The camping fee will be $37.00 per night.
- Reservations: Make camping arrangements with the Rally Master and the Rally Master will make camping reservations.
- DO NOT CALL the campground for reservations!
- Payment: Payment is due when checking in at the rally. Extra days are at extra cost. Make checks payable to Penn Coachmen.
- Should you have any questions about rally costs please contact the Rally Master or the person taking the registration for the rally.